Manually Add Extension

First, download the file named Chess Analysis from the Download section on my website.

Then, extract the file.

Now, open your Chrome browser.

Click on the three dots in the top-right corner to open the menu.

Then, go to “Extensions” and select “Manage Extensions”

Next, turn on “Developer mode” in the top-right corner of the Extensions page.

Once that’s enabled, click “Load unpacked” on the left.

A file explorer window will pop up.

Navigate to the folder where you extracted the extension files.

Select the folder and click “Open.”

Your extension should now be loaded and visible on the Extensions page.

Finally, to ensure it’s working, check for the extension icon in the toolbar.

Now, let’s go over how to use it.

How to Use

First, make sure you’ve analyzed the game on my website.

For games that were analyzed elsewhere, please re-analyze them on my site.

After that, go to the game analysis section.

Here, click on the “Coach” icon and wait.

During this time, avoid clicking elsewhere, as interruptions can cause errors.

If you see “Success,” it means the setup worked.

Now, each time you click “Next,” the coach’s comments will appear.

You can also drag the comments to any position you want.

For PGN files, follow the same steps, but note that this only works with a “URL.”

Embedded code won’t work.

By admin

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